June 10, 2010 Website Renewal

Thank you for using our website.

We will let you know that we have renewed this website for your convenience. We have improved the website so that it would be more eye-friendly and easier for you to check out the information.

We look forward to continued business in the future.

We also have changed the URLs as follows. Please change your bookmark if necessary.

Home New URLs
Japanese http://www.minophagen.co.jp/
English http://www.minophagen.co.jp/English/
Chinese http://www.minophagen.co.jp/Chinese/

The web pages use JavaScript and Cascading Style Sheets (CSS). If they are disabled in your browser, you may miss the functionalities of the contents. Please enable them to utilize the functionalities fully.

Recommended Environments
Windows XP or higher, MacOS10.x. or higher
Internet Explorer 7 or higher
Firefox 3
Used Plug-ins
Adobe Flash Player ver.8 or higher
Adobe Flash Reader ver.7 or higher
Unavailable Functions without Plug-ins
Rollovers: images that change when the mouse is over them
Font Size Adjustments
Alternative Images for Adobe Flash Animations
Pop-Ups such as Maps and Product Images

We will make the website more user-friendly. Please visit us at any time.

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